Member-only story
11 Free Chrome/Firefox Extensions That Make Research Easier.
While researching anything, we tend to heavily rely on our browser. To make this process more efficient, quite a few “plugins” have been created over the years. Every major browser has hundreds, if not thousands of such plugins/extensions/add-ons. Like any infinite list of things, it’s often overwhelming to find helpful ones.
For my work, I read a lot of articles and skim through many web pages, blogs, you name it. In the process, I need to store this information somewhere. Either to write a research paper, or a blog like this one, or just for my knowledge. The following plugins have made my life a lot easier and so I thought I would share them with you.
If any of these plugins make no sense to you, ignore them. You probably don’t need them as of now. But you might later on!
Disclaimer — I am not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the programs I mention. They are shared purely because I find them useful.
Table of Contents
· A Note About Browsers
· Collecting Information
∘ Roam Highlighter : Better highlights
∘ MarkDownload : Copy text easily
· Writing Research Papers/Articles
∘ TamperMonkey: Bibtex copy
∘ SLext : Better Overleaf
∘ Sci-Hub scholar : No paywalls
∘ Unpaywall : No paywalls
∘ Zotero/Mendeley Connector …